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How a Swedish telecoms company supports their SMB customers with instant tech support
The problem
Telia launched a new service called “Personlig tekniker”, a personal tech support aimed towards SMB customers. Telia struggled to find an on-demand solution for handling tech support requests from their SMB customers.
When a customer has an IT-related problem and needs support from their personal tech support, how can they request it from Telia? How to make it as simple, fast and intuitive as possible?
The solution
Telia designed a new customer service with bttn, a “Personlig tekniker” bttn for customer premises. When in need of tech support, employees just press the bttn and they receive a call-back from Telia who then solves their tech problems either remotely or, if needed, by coming to the customer premises.
The outcome
Orders of “Personlig tekniker” service started to pile in from the first week after launch. Telia managed to increase their customer service experience, automate their ticket requests and increase their response times.

How a Finnish pre-owned clothing store optimized their container collection process
The problem
Emmy Clothing Company is Scandinavia’s largest online store for 2nd hand quality apparel. Emmy has containers in major shopping malls where sellers can bring their items to be sold.
The solution
Emmy decided to install bttns at each container in shopping centres and malls allowing mall staff to press the bttn as soon as the clothes container is full.
The outcome
A simple and straightforward process to signal that a container is full and needs to be emptied. Emmy optimised their container yield and saved costs on logistics and transportation. They also managed to optimize their processes and automate container collection with bttn.

An IoT button that fits right in